Sunday, December 21, 2014

Make your first Swift Video App

Want to know how to play a simple video in Swift?

Create your application:


Select Single View Application.

Give a suitable name to your project.  Select language as Swift.  For right now, we select the device as iPhone.  We won't be using Core Data for this application.

You will be displayed the project properties page and under the targets ->build phases tab ->Copy Resources sub menu ->insert your video

Add your video here .. mine is called cat.mp4.

Then go to your ViewController.swift

Import the MediaPlayer package to get all video playing functions.  The bolded lines below is what you need to add:

 // ViewController.swift  
 // SampleVideo  
 // Created by APARNA SRIDHAR on 12/22/14.  
 // Copyright (c) 2014 APARNA SRIDHAR. All rights reserved.  
 import UIKit  
 import MediaPlayer  
 class ViewController: UIViewController {  
   var moviePlayer : MPMoviePlayerController?  
   override func viewDidLoad() {  
   override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {  
     // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.  
   func playVideo() {  
     //Get the Video Path  
     //You need to put this in Project->Target->copy bundle resource for this to work  
     let videoPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("cat", ofType:"mp4")  
     //Make a URL from your path  
     let url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(videoPath!)  
     //Initalize the movie player  
     moviePlayer = MPMoviePlayerController(contentURL: url)  
     if let player = moviePlayer {  
       //Make the player scale the entire view  
       player.view.frame = self.view.bounds  
       player.scalingMode = .AspectFill  
       //Add it as a subView to your currentView  
       //Play the video  
     else {  
       println("Movie player couldn't be initialized")  

Compile and project and see your video being played !

Download complete project here -

Friday, December 19, 2014

Servlets and JSP

Here is a quick overview on getting started with Java Web Development.

J2EE Development


Preferably an IDE like Eclipse or NetBeans to organize your code.  I use Eclipse.  You can find the latest build for developing Java EE applications here.  Luna is currently the most recent release.


You'll also need a Server to host your web application.  You can use Apache's Tomcat, Oracle's Glassfish, IBM's JBoss and other server app's suited for Java Dev.    Link to download Tomcat is below:


These are special applications that are hosted on your web server that enhance its functionality.   They are part of the J2EE suite of technologies used to make web applications.  When a client from a browser sends a request, the server reads the client request, invokes the right servlet to handle the request and then returns the response to the client.

The servlet may also forward the request to another servlet to handle the request and that in turn may return the response.

Why did we develop Servlets?

As the paradigm for layers and tiers developed in the software world, there was a large motivation to separate responsibility.  In an typical Model View Controller architecture, our View would be written in JSP or HTML, our Controller would be written using Servlets and our Model would be represented by a Enterprise Java Bean.  Functioning as the Controller, Servlets provided a way to process requests from the view, fetch data from the model/the database and then provide the results back to the view.

Java Support for Servlet


These are the two major packages that provide libraries for implementing Servlets and its related life cycle.  Your Servlet class is nothing but a java class that implements GenericServlet or HttpServlet class.  These classes provide the lifecycle methods for the servlet.

Generic Servlet is a protocol independent implementation of the Servlet interface.  HttpServlet is a protocol dependent implementation namely that of the Http protocol and serves http requests like a get or post.

Web.XML or Deployment Descriptor

This is the configuration file present in the WEB-INF folder of your application that enables the container to provides initialization parameters to the context, servlets and jsp files.  It can also be used to get the list of welcome files, get filters, listeners and so on.  Annotations are an alternative way to do this and reduce clutter in the web.xml available from Servlet version 3.0.

GET versus POST method

The HTTP Get request is usually sent by the browser to query or get data from the database.  These will usually correspond to database reads.  The HTTP Post requests are those that contain data and typical update/write something in the database.

The HTTP Get request contains the data it needs as a query string which is part of the request URL.  For this reason, it isn't suitable to transmit secure information like passwords.  In the HTTP Post request, the data is not submitted as part of the url but as part of the request body.  This is the reason its more suitable for secure data.

Another difference is that the GET request places a limit on the amount of data to be sent (the number of characters on the url string is limited), the POST method doesn't place a limit on the amount of data that can be sent.

GET is also non-idempotent - repeated get requests will give you the same result.  Post is idempotent - multiple requests will not give you the same result - eg first time you register on a website, your account is created.  Second time the same action will not happen.

So why ever use GET?  

Usually when you refresh a page with a POST method, the browser will ask you if you surely want to do that since that action may cause some action to be repeated.  This is the browser's way of making sure you don't perform any repeated updates.  This doesn't happen with the GET method.

Get is the default method that invoked if nothing is specified.

Understanding Servlet Lifecycle

You have the following methods:

1. init()
2. service()
3. destroy()

Init and destroy methods are called only once per servlet.  The service method is called various times for each servlet and every new request is handled by a new thread.

Init can be used to do all action common to all servlets like making database connections and so on.

The web server creates a new request and response object for every request that comes in and passes it to the server.  Its up to the server to keep track if subsequent requests come from the same browser.

Servlet API

  • This is provided by the container is common to all Servlets in your application.
  • It is created by the container when the application is started and destroyed only when the application is destroyed.  
  • They can supply initialization parameters that are common to a group of servlets in the application.
  • This provides access to application level attributes specified using <context-param> in web.xml file. 
  • Accessed by using the getServletContext() method and getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods allow us to store attributes in the context to be accessed by other servlets.
Servlet Config
  • This is used to specify some initial configuration for each servlet.
  • The servlet config is part of the ServletContext
  • The initialization parameters supplied as part of class annotations or in the web.xml file are available as part of the Servlet Config.  These are specific to a particular servlet.
  • Accessed by using getServletConfig() method.
  • There's no way to set/get attributes from the servlet configuration.
Init Parameters

This is data that is passed to the servlet when it is initialized.  This is different from data passed to the servlet from the doGet and POST method which come directly from the client.  The init parameters often help to set default values.

Parameters can be specified as part of Annotations in the servlet class file or as part of the web.xml.

Annotations versus Web.xml
  • When specified as part of web.xml, we can change the value of init parameters without needing to recompile the servlet class.  We only need to restart the server.  Annotation will require you to recompile the class and redeploy on the server.
  • Annotation are simple and are maintained per class level.  They are easier to maintain for application with large number of servlets where entering them in web.xml can be error prone.
  • IDEs like Eclipse provides support to write annotations and pre insert in the class during creation
Attributes Scope

These are data that can be stored that provides data about the request.

You can have attributes in the request, session and context scope.
  1. Request Attributes - Request is specific only to one particular request.  Another request from the same browser will not retain request variable. 
  2. Session Attributes - Session attributes are stored across different requests from the same browser session.  If the user switches his browser, then the session isn't retained. 
  3. Context Attributes - Context or application scope attributes are ones which are available across servlets and remain active till the application is alive.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Designing your First Swift Voice App

Learn it through lectures on Udacity using this link:

Code for the full project available on github: Pitch Perfect

Open Xcode->Single View Application->

Once created your Navigator will show the default files created namely AppDelegate.swift and ViewController.swift.  Things are very similar to the Objective-C world for now.

We are designing an app that will input your voice using the microphone and then allow you to play back that voice in slow and fast speeds and also add some effects like making you sound like a chipmunk or like Darth Vader.

First, we list down all the things we need to do to make this app happen:
  1. We need a view with a microphone button
  2. On pressing the button, the microphone should record our voice
  3. The recorded voice should be stored
  4. Once saved, we should have the options to play back the voice in different speeds and with different effects.
Going with Apple's Model View Controller Architecture, we can visualize the following components in our application:
  • Model - Stores our audio file
  • Controller - Allows us to input our voice and also allows us to add effects to it
  • View - Displays the microphone, provides a button to record voice, also provides a screen with options to add effects


  • Outlet A way the view can be accessed on the controller.  The controller can use this outlet to make changes to the view like changing the text of a label.
  • ActionA way the view can interact with the controller when events/changes take place on the view. An example would be a button being clicked on the view would invoke an action in the controller to handle the event.

Life Cycles of a viewController

  • viewDidLoad - used for one time initialization
  • viewWillAppear - used to hide/show controls
  • viewDidAppear - used to perform actions after controls appears
  • viewWillDisappear - used to wrap-up actions before the view disappears
  • viewDidDisappear - used to wrap up actions after the view disappears

Navigation View Controller

  • We can embed our view controllers in another navigation view controller that will allow us to navigate between different screens
  • One of the view controllers will be the root view controller which will be displayed first
  • Other view controllers can be segued from the root view controllers by linking it to events like button clicks
  • We navigate back to the calling viewController using the back button

Auto Layout

  • Xcode now provides a way to place controls on the screen and then specify their layout.  
  • Clicking on the control and dragging up or down will allow you to specify constraints on the display of the control.
  • You can make controls horizontally and vertically central to the display
  • You can make controls be positioned at a constant distance from the vertical and horizontal borders
  • You can change the auto layout by clicking on the component and dragging or by clicking on the component and using the auto layout menu at the bottom right of the storyboard layout to specify values directly.


  • image.xcassets allows you to create new image sets for display of images in various apps.
  • These can be scaled as 1x,2x,3x depending on the device used for display.
  • Image sets can then be linked to different UI components using their image attribute.

Designing first view

We have the following components:

1. A microphone button
2. A label to display "recording" when we are recording voice

  • Create a UIButton called recordButton and stopButton.  Create a label called recording label.  Set the stopButton and recordingLabel to be hidden when the view first appears.
  • Create outlets for the buttons and labels
  • Create actions for the recordButton and stopButton.
  • When the recordButton is pressed, show the label indicating that the audio is being recorded and also enable the stop button.  Also disable the recordButton so it cannot be pressed again.
  • When the stop button is pressed, hide the label that the audio is being recorded.

 import UIKit  
 class ViewController: UIViewController {  
   @IBOutlet weak var recordButton: UIButton!  
   @IBOutlet weak var stopButton: UIButton!  
   @IBOutlet weak var recordLabel: UILabel!  
   override func viewDidLoad() {  
     // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.  
   override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {  
     // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.  
   override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {  
   @IBAction func recordAudio(sender: UIButton) {  
     println("in record")  
   @IBAction func stopRecording(sender: UIButton) {  

Create a Model

Create a new class and name it recordedAudio.  In this class, we'll store the title and the path for our recording.  When we switch between views in our application, this object will enable us to pass the recorded audio or namely ("the data") of our application.  This is in line with the general design that Apple recommends for storing our application's data.

 import Foundation  
 //This object represents the model  
 //The stored audio file has a title and URL  
 class RecordedAudio:NSObject  
   var title:String!  
   var filePathURL:NSURL!  

Initialize your model in your viewController

 class ViewController: UIViewController, AVAudioRecorderDelegate {  
   @IBOutlet weak var recordLabel: UILabel!  
   @IBOutlet weak var recordButton: UIButton!  
   @IBOutlet weak var stopButton: UIButton!  
   @IBOutlet weak var playButton: UIButton!  
   var audioPlayer:AVAudioPlayer!  
   var audioRecorder:AVAudioRecorder!  
   var recordedAudio:RecordedAudio!  
   var filePath:NSURL!  

Record your voice

Back in your viewController, once you have your buttons and event triggering working and your model created, now add the ability to record your voice and stop recording to the recordAudio and stopRecording button action events:
  1. First get the directory path in your app's document folder to save the song
  2. Create a file name - you can use any filename, I'm appending the date/time to mine to make it unique everytime.
  3. Print it out so you can playblack and check the recording
  4. Create a new session for recording
  5. Assign yourself as the delegate for audio recording.  This will need you to also implement the AVAudioRecorderDelegate in your class.  Assigning our class as the delegate for recording will give us the ability to handle any events like "audioRecorderDidFinishRecording".  The advantage of this would be that we can make sure we let CoreAudio handle all the processing for the recording (like recording a 5 min long session) and we make all our transition (to other actions like switching pages) happens only after the processing is done.

@IBAction func recordAudio(sender: UIButton) {  
     //Get the place to store the recorded file in the app's memory  
     let dirPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory,.UserDomainMask,true)[0] as String  
     //Name the file with date/time to be unique  
     var currentDateTime=NSDate();  
     var formatter = NSDateFormatter();  
     formatter.dateFormat = "ddMMyyyy-HHmmss";  
     var recordingName = formatter.stringFromDate(currentDateTime)+".wav"  
     var pathArray = [dirPath, recordingName]  
     let filePath = NSURL.fileURLWithPathComponents(pathArray)  
     //Create a session  
     var session=AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()  
     //Create a new audio recorder  
     audioRecorder = AVAudioRecorder(URL: filePath, settings:nil, error:nil)  
     audioRecorder.delegate = self  

Stop Recording

Now that we have a button to start recording, lets give the user the ability to stop the recording with a stop button:

   @IBAction func stopRecording(sender: UIButton) {  
     var audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()  
     audioSession.setActive(false, error: nil)  

Once we have stopped recording,  we can implement the "audioRecorderDidFinishRecording" method to make sure we save our recorded file to our Model object (in our case its going to be a file called recordedAudio) so that we can use this object in the same or other views and it will now contain the recorded file.

   func audioRecorderDidFinishRecording(recorder: AVAudioRecorder!, successfully flag: Bool) {  
       //Store in Model  
       //Segway once we've finished processing the audio   
       println("recording not successful")  

In the above snippet, the segway comment gives you the area where can now implement any transitions to other views.

Playing an audio file

We need the AVFoundation library to provide classes to play an audio file.
The AVAudioPlayer is the class that provides for this.

Following is a good code snippet to play an audio file:
  • audioPlayer variable is declared globally so that different functions in the controller can access it.
  • filePath represents the path of the file.  
  • NSBundle.mainBundle asks XCode to look in the current directory for the resource "movie_quote" which is an mp3 file
  • we convert this filePath to a URL so that we can initialize the audio player with it
  • we set the enableRate property of the audio player to be true to allow us to change the rate at which the audio is played.
   var audioPlayer:AVAudioPlayer!  
   override func viewDidLoad() {  
     if var filePath=NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("movie_quote", ofType: "mp3")  
       var url=NSURL.fileURLWithPath(filePath)  
       audioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: url, error: nil)  
       println("file path is incorrect");  
     // Do any additional setup after loading the view.  

The snipped above first let you test the player functionality with a generic recording to make sure your audio player is functioning properly.  You can tweak the code above to make it play the audio file you stored in your model object as well.

Monday, December 1, 2014

CLRS 3e 2.1-4

2.1-4 Consider the problem of adding two n-bit binary integers, stored in two n-element arrays A and B. The sum of the two integers should be stored in binary form in an (n+1)-element array C. State the problem formally and write pseudocode for adding the two integers.

A = n bit binary array
= n bit binary array
C= n+1 bit binary array

1:        sum=0  
2:        for i = 1 to n   
3:           sum = sum+A[i] + B[i]   
4:           C[i]=sum%2  
5:           sum=sum/2  
6:        C[n+1]=sum  

The way we do overflows with integers is using the base 10.  Modulo by 10 gives the last digit after adding.  Division by 10 gives the carry over.  For binary numbers, the same applies with base 2.

If we add 2 binary numbers A = 11 (number 3) and B = 11 (number 3) we get C = 110 (number 6)

CLRS 3e 2.1-3

2.1-3 Consider the searching problem:

Input: A sequence of n numbers A = <a1; a2; : : : ;an> and a value .
Output: An index i such that  v = Ai or the special value NIL if  does not appear in A.

Write pseudocode for linear search, which scans through the sequence, looking for v. Using a loop invariant, prove that your algorithm is correct. Make sure that your loop invariant fulfills the three necessary properties.


1:        r=NIL  
2:        for i = 1 to A.length   
3:           if(A[i]=v)   
4:             r=i
5:             return r 
6:           end if
7:        end for 
8:        return r   

We run through the length of the array, if we find the element we return it.  If we've reached the end of the for loop and haven't returned the value, then it wasn't found.  So we return NIL.

Loop Invariant - At the start of every loop, r contains the index of the search value, or r contains the special value NIL.

Initialization - At the start of the loop i=1, there are no elements in A yet considered for comparison. Value of r is NIL, indicating correctly that v has not yet been found.

Maintenance - At the start of each loop, we know r will hold the value NIL since it's not been found.  If it has been found, we would exit the loop and return the index at which it was found.

Termination - If we've reached the end of the loop then by our maintenance condition r will have the the value NIL.  If we've found the value, we exit the loop by returning the value.

CLRS 3e 2.1-2

2.1-2 Rewrite the INSERTION-SORT procedure to sort into non increasing instead of nondecreasing order.


1:            for j = 2 to A.length  
2:                 key=A[j]  
3:                 i = j -1 
4:                 while( i > 0 && A[i] < key )  
5:                      A[i+1]=A[i] 
6:                      i=i-1  
7:                 A[i+1]=key;  

CLRS 3e 2.2-1

2.1-1 Using Figure 2.2 as a model, illustrate the operation of INSERTION-SORT on the

array A = <31,41,59,26,41,58>

We start with A = <31,41,59,26,41,58>

A = <31,41,59,26,41,58>   //No Swaps (compare 31 < 41)
A = <31,41,59,26,41,58>   //No Swaps (compare 41 < 59)
A = <31,41,26,59,41,58>   //Swap 59 and 26 (59 > 26)

A = <31,26,41,59,41,58>   //Swap 26 and 41 (41 > 26)

A = <26,31,41,59,41,58>   //Swap 26 and 31 (31 > 26)

A = <26,31,41,41,59,58>   //Swap 59 and 41 (59 < 41)

A = <26,31,41,41,58,59>   //Swap 58 and 59 (59 > 58)

CLRS 3e 1.2-3

1.2-3 What is the smallest value of n such that an algorithm whose running time is 100n2
runs faster than an algorithm whose running time is 2n on the same machine?

We need to find n such that

100n2  2

We can start trying to plot values to try and find where this starts to fail.

n              2          100n2

1              2             100      
10            1024        10000
20            1048576  40000

We see a value of n between 10 and 20 will already tip over the equation where the exponential values will start running significantly slower than the quadratic equation.  We find this value to be at 15.    So the strength of polynomial algorithms is at display where just 15 values can make them start running significantly faster than exponential counterparts.

CLRS 3e 1.2-2

1.2-2 Suppose we are comparing implementations of insertion sort and merge sort on the same machine. For inputs of size n, insertion sort runs in 8n2 steps, while merge sort runs in 64 nlgn steps. For which values of n does insertion sort beat merge sort?

We need to find value of n such that insertion sort runs faster than merge sort so where:

8n<  64 n lg n       (n > 0)
8n   <  64 lg n           (Obtained by canceling n on both sides)
n     <  8 lg n             (Obtained by diving both sides by 8)

Compute some values

n      8 lg n 

1      0
2      8
10    26.56
20    34.58
30    39.26
40    42.58
50    45.15

We see that 1 doesn't satisfy this condition but n between 10 and 40 definitely do.  At 50, the equation starts to fail again.  We now try values between 40 and 50 to find the exact point where it fails.  This point by brute force is obtained to be at 44.

So we conclude that between [2,43] the insertion sort algorithm runs faster than merge sort.

CLRS 3e 1.2-1

1.2-1 Give an example of an application that requires algorithmic content at the application level, and discuss the function of the algorithms involved.

One example of application that requires algorithmic content at the application level is a map application.  One of the standard algorithms it uses is the shortest path algorithm to compute the least distance between any two points on the map.

CLRS 1.1-5

1.1-5 Come up with a real-world problem in which only the best solution will do.  Then come up with one in which a solution that is "approximately: the best is good enough.

When formulating a drug in the pharmacy for public use, accurate proportion of different elements need to be known before it can be tested on real patients.  While studying properties of proteins, its common to approximate certain parameters to focus on the study of required elements.

CLRS 3e 1.1-4

1.1-4 How are the shortest path and traveling salesman problems given above similar?  How are they different?

Both the shortest path algorithm and the traveling salesman problem want to minimize the overall distance travelled.  The shortest path algorithm is a one way path to find the shortest route from a source to destination.  An example would to be the shortest path from Pittsburgh to Chicago given all the intersection one would encounter.  The traveling salesman problem is to find the shortest overall path from a source, visit a set of destinations and then end up back at the source. 

An example would a mail delivery truck that delivery mails to different location everyday that wants to travel the least overall distance and end up back at the mail office.

CLRS 3e 1.1-3

1.1-3 Select a data structure that you have seen previously, and discuss its strengths and limitations.

    Array Lists - Linear sequence of elements.


    • Search by index takes constant time.
    • Search by value takes liner time or can be improved by using binary search for sorted arrays.
    • Setting an element to new value with known index takes constant time, with unknown index takes linear time.
    • Insertion and deletion can take liner time in worst case.  It is not very friendly to change.  
    • Mostly need continuous blocks of memory for storage which can be unwieldy for large lists.
    • Size is fixed and although dynamic array can expand if more space is needed it takes linear time to double the size.

CLRS 3e - 1.1-2

1.1-2 Other than speed, what other measures of efficiency might one use in a real-world setting?
    •       Memory usage
    •       Security
    •       Reliability
    •       Maintainability
    •       Usability

CLRS 3e 1.1-1

1.1-1 Give a real-world example that requires sorting or a real world examples that requires computing a convex hull. 

A real-world example that would require sorting: 
  1. Books in a library sorted by genre and by author alphabetically
  2. Ranking students in a class by sorting their grades 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Middle Element of Linked List


If we do not know the size of the linked list prior to finding the middle element, then our approach would be to use two pointers to traverse the list.
One pointer, the fast pointer, would move twice as fast as the the other pointer.  So if the slow pointer traverses one node per iterations, the fast pointer would traverse two nodes in the same time.
When the fast pointer reached the end of the list, the slow pointer would be in the middle.
This allows us to find the middle element in a running time of O(n).

      public Node<Type> printMiddle(Node<Type> head) {  
           Node<Type> slowPointer = head;  
           Node<Type> fastPointer = head;  
           while (fastPointer != null && != null) {  
                slowPointer =;  
                fastPointer =;  
           return slowPointer;  

Given only a pointer to a single node in a singly linked list how do you delete it


  • If we don't have the pointer to the previous node, and don't have the head pointer to be able to get to the previous node, then our approach is to copy the contents of the node that comes after the node to be deleted into the current node.
  • If the node we have to delete is the last node, then we won't be able to delete it.  Our only other option in this case is to make this node a "dummy node".
  • This takes constant time O(1) since we don't have to traverse the list to get the node previous to the node to be deleted.
      public boolean removeSpecific(Node refNode) {  
           if (refNode == null || == null)  
                return false;  
           Node next =;  
           return true;  

Reverse a Linked List

This can be achieved either iteratively or recursively.

  1. We consider 3 nodes at the time, namely a current node, a node that comes before it and a node that comes after it.
  2. We currently have a link between from previous->current->next.  We alter pointers in such a way that current points to previous (previous<-current).  
  3. We then reset the pointers current and previous to point to their respective next nodes
  4. We repeat till current is null (we've reached the end of the list.
  5. Once we're done resetting all the pointers, previous will point to the last element.  We set this as the new head of the list.
      public Node<Type> reverse(Node<Type> head)  
           Node<Type> current=head;  
           Node<Type> previous=null,next=null;  
           return head;  

This runs in O(N) because we go through the entire list once while doing the reversal.

  1. In the recursive solution, we basically traverse till the end of the list.
  2. Once we've reached the last element, we can set this as the new head.
  3. For all the rest of the recursive iterations, we now have to reset two links.  We have to make current point to previous and break the link between previous and current.
      public void reverseRecurse(Node<Type> current)  
           if(current==null )  

This implementation requires O(n) because it has to go through the entire list once, but also requires O(n) space in terms of the stack frames used for the recursion.

Complete Implementation

 public class LinkedListReverse<Type> {  
      private Node<Type> head;  
      public static class Node<Type> {  
           Type data;  
           Node<Type> next;  
           public Node(Type data) {  
       = data;  
       = null;  
      public LinkedListReverse() {  
           head = null;  
      public void push(Type item) {  
           Node<Type> newNode = new Node<Type>(item);  
  = head;  
           head = newNode;  
      public void print(Node<Type> head) {  
           while (head != null) {  
                System.out.print( + ",");  
                head =;  
      public Node<Type> reverse(Node<Type> head) {  
           Node<Type> current = head;  
           Node<Type> previous = null, next = null;  
           while (current != null) {  
                next =;  
       = previous;  
                previous = current;  
                current = next;  
           head = previous;  
           return head;  
      public void reverseRecurse(Node<Type> current) {  
           if (current == null)  
           if ( == null) {  
                this.head = current;  
  = current;  
  = null;  
      public static void main(String args[]) {  
           LinkedListReverse<Integer> list = new LinkedListReverse<Integer>();  
           list.head = list.reverse(list.head);  

Sample Output


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Linked List Deletion

Deletion by Key

  • We traverse through the linked list looking for the key
  • We maintain a pointer to the node previous to the match
  • If the head is a match we simply reset the head pointer
  • If another node is a match, we set its previous node to point to the node after the match node
      public void remove(Type item) {  
           Node previous = null;  
           Node current = head;  
           if ( {  
                head =;  
           while (current != null && ! {  
                previous = current;  
                current =;  
           if (current == null)  

Deletion by Node

Here we match by node and not by key.
      public void remove(Node refNode)  
           Node previous = null;  
           Node current = head;  
           if (head.equals(refNode)) {  
                head =;  
           while (current != null && !current.equals(refNode)) {  
                previous = current;  
                current =;  
           if (current == null)  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Linked List Traversal

Traversing from start to end

Traversal involves visiting every node in the list.
Printing the list requires this sort of traversal.
In a singly linked list we traverse from the head node to the end of the list.
 public void printList(Node head) {  

This takes linear time O(N) since we need to visit each node in the list.

Traversing in Reverse Order

We can achieve this through recursion.  We basically traverse to the end of the list and then recursively print out till the head.
      public void reversePrint(Node head) {  
           if (head == null)  
           System.out.print( + ", ");  

Linked List - Java Implementation

Node Definition
      public class Node {  
           private Type data;  
           private Node next;  
           public Node(Type data, Node next) {  
       = data;  
       = next;  
Class Definition
 public class LinkedList<Type> implements Iterable<Type> {  
      private Node head;  
      public class Node {  
           private Type data;  
           private Node next;  
           public Node(Type data, Node next) {  
       = data;  
       = next;  
      public LinkedList() {  
           head = null;  

Linked List Insertion

There are 3 possible ways to insert a new element into an existing linked list.
  1. We can insert in the front (push)
  2. We can insert at the end (append)
  3. We can insert in between 2 nodes

1. Push Insert

  • Inserting in the front of a linked list is also called the push operation.
  • If you imagine a stack of plates and want to add another plate to it, you'll always add it to the top of pile of plates.  So when a list represents a stack of plates, the push operation is when the insert always happens in the front of the list.


  1. Create a new Node to hold the new element to be inserted
  2. Set the next pointer of the new node to point to the current head of the list
  3. Now make this new node the head of the list
      // Push  
      public void push(Type item) {  
           Node newNode = new Node(item, null);  
  = head;  
           head = newNode;  

2. Append Insert

  • Inserting in the tail or end of a linked list is also called the append operation.
  • If you imagine yourself joining a queue of people, you'll join at the end of the queue.  So when a list represents a queue, the append operation is when the insert always happens in the end of the list.


  1. Create a new Node to hold the new element to be inserted
  2. Create a pointer to traverse the list to the end
  3. Check if the list is empty (head is null) in which case make the head as the new node and quit
  4. If the list isn't empty, use the pointer to traverse to the end of the list.  The last element will have its next pointer point to null
  5. Make the last node point to newNode
      // Append  
      public void append(Type item) {  
           Node current = head;  
           Node newNode = new Node(item, null);  
           if (head == null) {  
                head = newNode;  
           while ( != null)  
                current =;  
  = newNode;  

3. Insert After Node

  • Inserting between 2 nodes given a reference node involves traversal till the node is located and then insertion after that reference node.


  1. Create a new Node to hold the new element to be inserted
  2. Make sure the reference Node after which insertion should take place is not null
  3. Reset the newNode next pointer to point to the reference node's next pointer (In the figure the reference node is 4 ->2.  We want to make 5 -> 2 and 4 -> 5.
  4. Reset reference node's pointer to point to newNode.
      // Insert after  
      public void insertAfter(Node refNode, Type item) {  
           if (refNode == null)  
           Node newNode = new Node(item, null);  
  = newNode;  

Linked List

Linked lists can be viewed as a collection of nodes which do not necessarily occupy continuous locations in memory.
  • Each node typically contains the element and a link to the next node in the list which is referred to as next.  The last node's next link refers to null.
  • We store the starting node of the list to allow for easy traversal.
  • A singly linked list only has one pointer to the next element in the list.
  • A doubly linked list has two pointers for each node, one pointing to the next element and one pointing to the previous element in the list.
Linked List Node

Advantages of Linked Lists over arrays:

1. Easy insertion and deletion - can be achieved in constant time O(1).
2. No need to know how much memory to allocate beforehand.  The list grows dynamically.
3. No need to pre allocate memory beforehand and potentially have wasted spaces or the need to increase the size later like arrays.

Disadvantages over arrays:

1. Traversal takes linear time O(N) because access by position/index isn't possible
2. Need extra memory to store pointer to next element in the list.